
Hi! My name is Lot and I'm a visual artist with a purpose to create and share. Originally a designer, I needed to break with everything I thought I knew and tune into what I really desired. I was always a creator, just turned out my medium was in the visual arts, and I love it here! I'm a traveler, often nomadic, and my art supplies take more space and weight than anything else in my bag. Currently living life artfully in Santiago, Chile, and exploring the surrounding countries. I'm constantly inspired by the work of my colleagues, the cultures, traditions and art I meet when traveling, not to mention the people and their mindsets. It keeps the inspiration tank fuelled, and I always have at least a handful of artworks and/or projects going on. The pace seems to fit my temper, and over the years, it's as if grounding has integrated by itself. The more I get to know about art, the more I realise I don’t know. I meet the canvas with an open mind and faithfulness to the inspiration of the moment. Rarely do I know the outcome, and that’s the most exciting thing about it. For as long as I can remember, my work has found resolution in movement of the female body. She can be moving or standing still, but there always seems to be a feeling of processing and transformation. I have an ongoing interest in women’s liberation, which I continuously find inspirational and have an urge to pass on through visual, figurative art. My art has the purpose of bringing people together in a space where all forces fall down and the natural open mind and compassion comes forward, allowing connection to flourish. The intention with my art is to lead the viewer from reflection into transformation, regardless of the stage they’re at. Different media allows expression of different ideas and stories. Lately, a mix of oil paints, charcoal and pencils has been more present, layered on one another, giving depth and life. The figures are the center of the motif, usually in abstract surroundings, backing up the nature or the story passed on.

Sprog: Engelsk, Dansk


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